Vault of Archavon

Vault of Archavon

Vážení hráči.
Dnes jsme pro Vás upravili raid Vault of Archavon.

Questy :
10 MAN
25 MAN
4 achievmenty 10 MAN
4 achievmenty 25 MAN

Archavon the Stone Watcher
Emalon the Storm Watcher
Koralon the Flame Watcher
Toravon the Ice Watcher

Do všech Bossu byl přidán loot :

Loot :
Tyto itemy jsou vložené v kombinaci 10 man/25 man
Crypt Keepers Bracers
Scourge Hunters Vambraces
Bloodsunders Bracers
Toskks Maximized Wristguard
Bracers of Eternal Dreaming
The Ladys Brittle Bracers
Death Surgeons Sleeves
Coldwraith Links
Belt of Broken Bones
Waistband of Righteous Fury
Nerubar Stalkers Cord
Belt of the Blood Nova
Astrylians Sutured Cinch
Professors Bloodied Smock
Crushing Coldwraith Belt
Lingering Illness

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